Have a moving question? AVIV Moving & Storage has the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call at (617) 783-1191 today for more information!
We recommend planning your move 6 weeks in advance. Contact us to schedule your moving day.
Host a garage sale to get rid of your items. Be certain you want to keep something before taking it with you.
Contact your post office to forward your mail to your new address.
Store your items.
Use up all perishable food and drinks before you move.
Pack all items for immediate use in your new home separately and either take them along with you or have them put into the moving truck last.
Do not cancel your landline and utilities until the day AFTER you have moved out. You will need them for the movers. At the same time, make sure these are working on the day you arrive in your new home.
Print our moving checklist.
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